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Tips for Creating Amazon Bullet Points That Will Help You Rank Higher and Get More Leads

Tips for Creating Amazon Bullet Points That Will Help You Rank Higher and Get More Leads

October 08, 202412 min read

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

Optimizing an Amazon product listing involves a series of strategic steps to capture the attention of potential buyers and guide them toward making a purchase. After you’ve lured customers with an attractive price, eye-catching images, and a relevant title, the next crucial element is crafting effective bullet points.

Bullet points on Amazon serve as a powerful tool to highlight key product details, clarify customer expectations, and integrate valuable keywords for better search visibility. However, knowing how to structure these points to maximize impact can be tricky.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to create compelling Amazon bullet points that not only inform but also convert. From selecting the right information to structuring it for readability, we’ll cover all the best practices you need to optimize your product listing effectively. Let’s dive into the key aspects of writing the perfect bullet points for your Amazon products.

Amazon Bullet Points: What Are They?

Amazon bullet points are concise yet informative highlights that appear beneath the product title and other essential details under the section labeled "About this item." These points provide a snapshot of the product’s key features and benefits, helping customers quickly assess what the product offers.

eCommerce Marketing Tips for Writing Amazon Bullet Points

On desktop, the bullet points are displayed prominently near the product images, allowing shoppers to read them easily while browsing the listing. However, on mobile devices, the bullet points may appear further down the page, which is why it's essential to ensure they're well-structured and impactful to grab attention even if they're lower in the viewer’s scrolling path.

These bullet points serve as a critical element in your product listing, offering both visual appeal and useful information that can influence purchase decisions.

Why Do Amazon Bullet Points Matter?

Bullet points on Amazon play a vital role in helping customers quickly assess whether your product aligns with their needs. They allow you to communicate essential details clearly, such as key features and benefits, which guide customers in making informed purchasing decisions. In addition to this, bullet points provide valuable space to incorporate keywords that improve your product's discoverability and increase its ranking on Amazon's search engine results page (SERP).

Amazon Bullet Points: Der umfassende Guide (2024)

Keywords in Bullet Points Enhance Visibility and Searchability

Keywords are the terms or phrases potential customers use when searching for products on Amazon. These might include specific product features or attributes such as:

  • "organic antiperspirant for women"

  • "gluten-free granola bar"

  • "water-saving faucet"

Incorporating relevant keywords into your bullet points is essential for optimizing your product's visibility. While keywords in the product title carry more weight in Amazon’s search algorithm, bullet points still play a significant role in ensuring your product is found by customers. By using well-researched and targeted keywords, you improve your chances of appearing in search results when customers are looking for products that match those terms.

Bullet Points Drive Customer Conversions

The 5 simple ways to drive customer conversion rate for your store

Once a potential customer clicks on your product listing, the next challenge is convincing them to make a purchase—this is known as conversion optimization, which is a critical component of the broader Amazon sales flywheel process, as discussed in this article.

To successfully convert visitors into buyers, your bullet points must be relevant, concise, and well-organized, offering a smooth and intuitive experience for the customer. Ensuring that the information is easy to scan and highlights key selling points is essential for keeping their attention.

Studies show that online shoppers typically spend only about 15 seconds deciding which product to buy. This means your bullet points must be designed to grab their attention quickly, with keywords and phrases that stand out and resonate with what they are looking for.

Ultimately, making your bullet points scannable and easy to read is a crucial factor in optimizing your listing for higher conversions. By streamlining the information and focusing on clarity, you make it easier for customers to make their purchasing decision within a short time frame.

Why Are Some Bullet Points Hidden on Amazon?

Some sellers have noticed that Amazon is now hiding certain bullet points by default. Instead of appearing directly below the product details, these bullet points are now tucked away behind a dropdown menu under the "About this item" section, requiring customers to click to expand them.

How to Write Amazon Bullet Points to Convert Customers

Amazon is known for constantly testing new layouts and features, so this could be part of an experiment. However, this change isn’t applied to every product category.

For instance, many grocery items seem to have this new layout, possibly because Amazon wants to prioritize more easily identifiable product information. You might see labels like "kosher," "vegan," and "vegetarian" listed under "Diet type," which suggests that Amazon is aiming to make the shopping experience more intuitive and user-friendly for customers.

What Are the Guidelines for Amazon Bullet Points?
Stay Compliant: Amazon's Updated Bullet Point Guidelines

Like all product listing elements, Amazon has specific guidelines for bullet points that sellers must follow. Key requirements include:

  • Highlight the Top Features: Focus on the 5 most essential features of your product in your bullet points.

  • Formatting: Each bullet should start with a capital letter and be written in sentence format.

  • Separation of Ideas: Use hyphens to separate distinct points or ideas.

  • No Ending Punctuation: Bullet points should not end with periods or other punctuation marks.

  • Character Limits: Sellers are allowed up to 500 characters per bullet point, while vendors have an average of 250 characters per bullet (depending on the product category).

  • Number of Bullet Points: Sellers can use up to 5 bullet points to describe and sell their product. However, vendors can utilize up to 10 bullet points per product page, available through Vendor Central.

For a comprehensive overview of these requirements, sellers can refer to Amazon’s Quick Start Style Guide for all product listing guidelines.

How Many Bullet Points Can You Have on Amazon?

Generally, sellers are limited to 5 bullet points per product listing, with a total character count of 1,000 characters. However, some categories are expanding to allow up to 10 bullet points. Vendors, on the other hand, can use up to 10 bullet points per product.

8 Best Practices to Optimize Your Listing and Increase Sales in Amazon

How to Add Bullet Points in Your Amazon Listing

To add bullet points to your Amazon product listing:

  1. Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account.

  2. Either edit an existing product or add a new one, then navigate to the “Product Details” or “Description” section.

  3. Scroll down until you see either “Key Product Features” or “Bullet Points” (the naming may vary based on the product category, but they refer to the same thing).

  4. If you’re adding a product for the first time, it might not be immediately obvious that you can include up to 5 bullet points. Simply click the “Add More” link beneath the existing fields to include additional bullet points.

How to Write Effective Amazon Bullet Points

When it comes to your Amazon product listing, the customer is your top priority. After all, they're the ones who will ultimately decide whether to purchase your product. By focusing on their needs and speaking to them in a way that resonates, you're more likely to convert them into buyers.

How to write effective Amazon descriptions and bullet points

Here’s how you can craft bullet points that appeal directly to your customers:

1. Confirm Your Product Solves Their Problem
As potential customers scan your bullet points, they should immediately recognize that your product addresses their specific need. Use language that reassures them your product is the solution they’re seeking. You can even use a copywriting technique known as future pacing—encourage customers to imagine life after purchasing your product, where their problem is resolved, and they experience relief.

2. Focus on Benefits Over Features
While listing the features of your product is important, customers are more concerned with how these features benefit them. Instead of simply listing technical specs, explain how the feature enhances the user’s life. For example, rather than saying, “The product emits 660 nm and 850 nm wavelengths,” say something like, “The red light therapy improves skin tone and circulation, while the near-infrared light targets muscles for pain relief and faster recovery.” This clearly highlights the benefit and connects the feature to a positive outcome for the customer.

3. Set Customer Expectations to Reduce Returns
One of the best ways to reduce returns and negative reviews is by clearly communicating what your customer will receive. By providing accurate descriptions of product size, weight, and key features, customers can make more informed decisions. This transparency will help prevent disappointment. Pro Tip: Look at competitors' negative reviews to see what they might have overlooked, and make sure your listing addresses any common complaints (like incorrect size expectations).

4. Use Natural-Sounding Language
While it's important to include keywords for SEO purposes, be sure not to overstuff your bullet points with them. Overloading with keywords makes your content sound robotic and less relatable. Instead, write in a conversational tone, as if you were recommending the product to a friend. This will make your bullet points more engaging and customer-friendly.

5. Speak Using Your Customers' Language
To establish a stronger connection with your audience, use terms and phrases that reflect how your customers talk. This "voice of customer" approach can make your bullet points feel more personal and relatable. You can gather insights by reading through customer reviews or feedback from your existing customers. If you notice a particular phrase they often use, incorporate that into your copy.

6. Make Your Bullet Points Scannable
Most customers don't read every word of a product description. They scan for important details that stand out. To make this process easier, structure your bullet points with clear, concise sentences and limit the character count. Make sure to highlight the key points that matter most, and use formatting that makes the text easy to digest at a glance.

The Best Way to Arrange Your Bullet Points

Maintaining consistency in your bullet point format is key to establishing your brand’s credibility and ensuring customers can quickly skim through the essential details they need.

Tips to write effective Amazon bullet points- SellerApp Help

We prioritize a uniform structure for all our bullet points, ensuring that even when multiple writers are involved in optimizing product listings, the result remains consistent and cohesive.

Here are some tips for structuring your bullet points to enhance readability:

  • Use All-Caps for Bullet Titles: Start each bullet with a clear, bold title in all capital letters to highlight the main point.

  • Use a Colon (:) or Hyphen (–): Place a colon or hyphen after the title to introduce the details that follow.

  • Keep Each Bullet Concise: Aim for around 150 characters per bullet to keep your content digestible and to the point.

Give each bullet point (subject matter) an ALL-CAPS title.

When using five bullet points to highlight your product’s benefits, readability for the customer should be a top priority. An all-caps title for each bullet helps to organize the information clearly and makes it easy for customers to find what they're looking for. Think of it as giving a title to each chapter in a book.

In tools like Scribbles (Helium 10’s listing optimization tool), these titles are referred to as "Subject Matter." It's a bonus if you can incorporate keywords or phrases that your customers are searching for, but avoid overloading them with keywords—this can disrupt readability.

How Long Should Amazon Bullet Points Be?

While Amazon allows up to 500 characters for each bullet point, less is often more when it comes to customer engagement. If a bullet is too long, customers might lose interest. Aim for around 150 characters per bullet. This keeps the information clear and manageable, allowing customers to easily digest the benefits without feeling overwhelmed.

How to Write Amazon Bullet Points: The Seller's Guide –

Consider where your customers are shopping—mobile or desktop. As mobile shopping becomes more prevalent, it’s essential to keep your bullet points short and easy to read. On desktop, bullet points appear next to the product images and under the title—prime real estate to deliver key details. On mobile, however, the bullets appear after scrolling past images and additional content, which makes it even more important to keep your text concise.

Imagine how difficult it would be to read a long 500-character bullet on a small mobile screen! Short, benefit-driven bullets will ensure your customers can quickly understand what your product offers.

Keep Your Bullet Points Easy to Read for a Smooth Shopping Experience

Using a logical structure for your bullet points creates a smooth buying experience. By addressing potential customer questions with each bullet point, you help guide them through their decision-making process. This not only enhances readability but also builds trust in your product.

Amazon Bullet Points with Emojis: Yay or Nay?

While many sellers have used emojis to make their bullet points stand out, Amazon will no longer allow emojis and certain special characters starting August 15, 2024. Instead, consider using creative elements in your product images or A+ Content to capture attention.


Key Takeaways

When optimizing your Amazon product listing, it’s crucial to create compelling bullet points that complement your images and product title. Perfecting these elements can significantly increase your chances of converting potential customers.

Here’s how to craft bullet points that convert:

  • Focus on the details that matter most to your customers.

  • Anticipate questions and provide clear, concise answers.

  • Keep your bullet points short, sweet, and easy to scan.

Should You Hire a Professional?

Optimizing your Amazon product listings is not just about writing a quick description and uploading a few photos. It requires expertise to create a listing that effectively converts visitors into buyers.

That’s where AMZ Shifu can help. Our team specializes in Amazon product listing optimization and will ensure your products get the attention they deserve. Our services include:

  • Thorough keyword research

  • Competitive analysis

  • Eye-catching images that appeal to emotions

  • Crafting an optimized product listing

  • Setting up targeted ads for increased visibility

Creating a high-performing listing takes time and skill, especially with the right tools. At AMZ Shifu, we use tools like Helium 10 and others to enhance your listings and drive sales.

Book a Call with us today!

Ready to optimize your Amazon listings? Book a call with us today and get started with a free listing audit to improve your product’s visibility and sales!

Amazon bullet points optimization How to write Amazon bullet pointsAmazon listing bullet points tips SEO bullet points for Amazon listingsWriting effective Amazon product descriptions Rank higher with Amazon bullet pointsAmazon product listing optimization tips Improve Amazon SEO with bullet pointsAmazon bullet points for more leads Best practices for Amazon product bullet points
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